
Learn how to create and configure an API key for access to the Developer API.

To create an API key:

  1. From the ROGER Dashboard, open the Settings for your workspace from the account menu in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Click the API keys section from the left navigation panel.
  3. Click Create API key.
  4. Specify what teams this API can create contracts in.
  5. Click Create to confirm and generate an API key.
  6. Copy the API key for your records — it will not be shown again.


All requests made to the ROGER Developer API must be authenticated with a valid API key. The API key must be passed in the Authorization HTTP header using the Bearer scheme. Below is an example of a header specifying your API key:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Workspace IDs

Most of the Developer API endpoints require specifying your Workspace ID, usually provided as a parameter workspaceId in the endpoint path.

You can find the ID of your workspace in the URL of your ROGER Dashboard.

In the below example, your workspaceId would be wvEOhUlU8rHy5EXAwNn1:

Template IDs

Some of the Developer API endpoints require specifying a Template ID, usually provided as the value of a property templateId in the request body.

You can find the ID of your workspace in the URL of the template’s edit screen.

In the below example, your templateId would be E23eipzNxLKe28bYP1FI:

Creating a contract from a template

To create a contract from a template, specify the ID of the template to use and the values of each variable the template requires (without the @ prefix). The createdBy parameter should be set to an email address of a user from a team within your workspace.


Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
Content-Type: application/json

  "templateId": "TEMPLATE_ID",
  "templateValues": {
    "Signer name": {
      "type": "singletext",
      "value": "VALUE_AS_STRING"
    "Signer email": {
      "type": "singletext",
      "value": "VALUE_AS_STRING"
    "List of services": {
      "type": "multitext",
      "value": "LINE_1\nLINE_2"
    "Statement of work": {
      "type": "richtext",
      "value": "<ol><li>Step 1</li><li>Step 2</li></ol>"
  "createdBy": "",

This method will respond with the workspaceId, contractId, and a signingLink, which can be used to sign the contract.

200 OK

  "workspaceId": "YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID",
  "contractId": "CREATED_CONTRACT_ID",
  "signingLink": ""